This tool lists the contents of the input workspace tree, outputting to a comma-delimited text file. This tool lists both ArcGIS data
types, such as feature classes and maps, as well as system data types,
such as files and folders. The output table columns are:
The Description column is primarily for subsequent user input. The root directory of the input workspace tree is noted in this column.
Note that the output is not sorted. To group data by folder and workspace in alphabetical order, sort on the Path column.
This tool is useful for documenting data and for data discovery. Use the Description column for note-taking.
There is no usage for this tool.
ListContents_mytools (Input_Workspace, Output_CSV_File)
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
Input_Workspace |
Dialog Reference Input workspace ___________________ Python Reference Input workspace |
Workspace |
Output_CSV_File |
Dialog Reference Output comma-delimited text file. For best results, use CSV extension. ___________________ Python Reference Output comma-delimited text file. For best results, use CSV extension. |
File |
Code Samples
See below for the tool source code.
import arcpy, traceback, sys, os, csv arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True def dummyfunction(): pass if __name__ == "__main__": in_workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) # WORKSPACE out_csv = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) # FILE try: arcpy.AddMessage(" ") arcpy.env.workspace = in_workspace # COLLECT FEATURE CLASSES AND TABLES FROM WORKSPACE TREE. item_list = [] walk = arcpy.da.Walk(in_workspace, datatype=['CadDrawing', 'Container', 'FeatureClass', 'Map', 'RasterCatalog', 'RasterDataset', 'Table', 'Terrain', 'Text', 'TIN', 'Toolbox']) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in walk: for filename in filenames: item_list.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) if len(item_list) > 0: # CREATE OUTPUT TABLE AND COLUMN HEADERS. with open(out_csv, "wb") as csvfile: tableheaders = ["Path", "Data_Type", "Name", "Description"] writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(tableheaders) # ITERATE THROUGH FEATURE CLASSES AND TABLES. for item_path in item_list: arcpy.AddMessage(str(item_path)) # FILTER OUT LAYER FILES AND PUT LESS INFO SINCE LAYER FILES # HANG ON DESCRIBE SOMETIMES. if str(item_path)[-3:].lower() == "lyr": writer.writerow([str(item_path), "Layer", None, None]) else: desc = arcpy.Describe(item_path) writer.writerow([str(item_path), desc.dataType, desc.Name, None]) # ITERATE THROUGH FOLDERS AND FILES. # START WITH ROOT DIRECTORY/INPUT WORKSPACE. desc = arcpy.Describe(in_workspace) data_type = "" cat_path = "" if hasattr(desc, "dataType"): data_type = desc.dataType if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cat_path = str(desc.catalogPath) writer.writerow([cat_path, data_type, desc.Name, "Root Directory"]) # ITERATE THROUGH SUBDIRECTORIES, COLLECTING DESIRED ITEMS. # THAT BEING ITEMS THAT WERE NOT COLLECTED IN THE FC/TABLE LOOP. # SKIP LAYER AND EXCEL FILES; THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN COLLECTED. data_type_list = ["File", "Folder", "MapDocument", "Workspace", "Toolbox"] ext_skip_list = [".lyr", ".xls", "xlsx"] for child in desc.children: if child.dataType in data_type_list: if str(child.catalogPath)[-4:].lower() not in ext_skip_list: descChild = arcpy.Describe(child.catalogPath) arcpy.AddMessage(str(child.catalogPath)) writer.writerow([str(child.catalogPath), child.dataType, child.Name, None]) for grandKid in descChild.children: if grandKid.dataType in data_type_list: if not(str(grandKid.catalogPath)[-4:].lower() in ext_skip_list): descGrandChild = arcpy.Describe(grandKid.catalogPath) arcpy.AddMessage(str(grandKid.catalogPath)) writer.writerow([str(grandKid.catalogPath), grandKid.dataType, grandKid.Name, None]) for greatGrandKid in descGrandChild.children: if greatGrandKid.dataType in data_type_list: if not(str(greatGrandKid.catalogPath)[-4:].lower() in ext_skip_list): arcpy.AddMessage(str(greatGrandKid.catalogPath)) writer.writerow([str(greatGrandKid.catalogPath), greatGrandKid.dataType, greatGrandKid.Name, None]) arcpy.AddMessage(" ") # SET OUTPUT PARAMETER. arcpy.SetParameter(2, out_csv) # TABLEVIEW except: # PRINT ERROR MESSAGES. tb = sys.exc_info()[2] tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0] pymsg = tbinfo + "\n" + str(sys.exc_type)+ ": " + str(sys.exc_value) arcpy.AddError("Python Messages: " + pymsg + " GP Messages: " + arcpy.GetMessages(2)) finally: del in_workspace, out_csv, csvfile, writer del tableheaders, item_list, walk del dirpath, dirnames, filenames
Describe, Walk, csv, children
Ruth Bowers, 2015, 2016,
Use limitations
Tested in ArcGIS 10.2.2 as a python script tool in a custom toolbox.
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